Winters Most Common Problems With Solution
1) Winter Tan
2) Dandruff
3) Dry skin
4) Chapped lips
5) Cracked heel
Winter Tan
Sun never goes on vacation nor UV rays. Yes you may have sunscreen with you but summer's enemy suddenly become favorites friend in winters. You want to spend more time with sun. You want to talk more with sun but sun is very cheater even after friendship he will tan your skin and You can not break the friendship because you are little greedy and needy in winters. So how to remove winter tanning .
Sugar Lemon Scrub
2 tbs sugar
1 tbs lemon juice
Few drops of rose water
Mix all three in a bowl let half sugar dissolved and half in crystal form. Now scrub your skin with this mixture gently . after scrubbing for few minutes leave it on for 5-6 minute. Rinse your face and pat dry than use good quality moisturizer. Vitamin c will lighten your skin and sugar will exfoliate darkness from your face.
Note don’t step out in sun sudden after applying this remedy
We think dandruff is very common problem of winter. There is no need to worry about it but Dandruff should be taken seriously because primarily dandruff weaken your scalp . Ignoring dandruff can leads to hair fall and dry and damaged hair. Laziness in winter irregular brushing and hair washing or stress causes dandruff and hair fall.
Home Remedies
Lemon is one of the most trusted home remedy since long. Lemon help to maintain pH of scalp and prevent your scalp to become dry. So what you have to do is just squeeze lemon in a bowl an massage your scalp with juice or add this juice in oil and apply that oil in scalp . let it for 30 minute than wash out with shampoo.
Curd is also very effective home remedy for dandruff . Apply curd on your scalp and massage it and leave for 15 minute before washing. Curd will remove all dandruff and smoothen your hair.
Dry skin
Dry skin one of the most common problem of winter. Skin start feeling dry stretched and cracked. Environmental change is not friendly for skin and your skin don’t produce moisture so skin become dry. In sever condition you many feel itching, redness in skin, roughness.
Home Remedies
Banana Facial
For your dry face skin you can treat your face with banana mask. Mash one banana add one tsp honey or coconut oil blend it and apply on your skin. Allow it to dry for 20 minute after 20 minute rinse your face.
What You Have To Do Not To Do in Winter
Keep your skin moisturized by olive oil or by any lotion .
Use aloe Vera gel.
Don’t use hot water on face.
Stop using fragrance soap.
Drink lots of water.
Keep your body active and sweat more.
Chapped Lips
Skin of lips start appearing scaly in winters. We basically decrease consumption of water in winters and because of environment change skin of lips start peeling. Lips become dry and chapped. Your lips may look beautiful in all winters by using few home remedies.
Home Remedies
Petroleum Jelly and Honey
Mix honey with petroleum jelly and apply on your chapped lips regularly. You will feel that just after 2-3 uses your lips will become beautiful like before.
Aloe Vera Gel
Aloe Vera is good hydrating agent for your skin and lips. Apply fresh aloe Vera gel on your lips in night . Your chapped and scaly skin will become normal just after one use.
Sugar Honey Olive Oil Mixture
One tbs honey and one tbs olive oil mix it with one tea spoon sugar. Massage gently on lips. All the scaly skin of your lips will removed.
Cracked Heel
Winters annoying problem is cracked heel. Skin of heel doesn't have oil gland. So skin become dry. Dry skin leads to cracked heels.Mostly people don’t take it seriously. By neglecting this problem crack can become very deep and cause pain.
Home Remedies
Listerine and Vinegar Soak
One cup vinegar
One cup Listerine
2 cups water
Mix one cup Listerine and one cup vinegar in 2 cup water. Soak your feet for about 15 minute. Scrub your feet and let your feet dry then apply moisturizer. Do it everyday till your feet become soft again.
Soak in Baking Soda
We are all aware from the exfoliating benefit of baking soda. Baking soda is also good for cracked heel.
How to prepare soda water
3 tbs baking powder
A bowl of lukewarm water
Add soda in lukewarm water to. Keep your feet in for 15 minute. Scrub your feet. After scrub rinse and dry your feet and the apply moisturizer.